​​​Dr. Belmont pro­vides the con­tent and links to other resources on this website for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only.  Dr. Belmont does not pro­vide any mental health advice on this website.  Access­ing, read­ing, contacting and/or pro­vid­ing per­sonal or psychological infor­ma­tion to Dr. Belmont,

or oth­er­wise using this website does not cre­ate a psychologist-patient/client rela­tion­ship between the website user and Dr. Belmont. 

Noth­ing con­tained in this website is intended to estab­lish a psychologist-patient/client rela­tion­ship between the website user and Dr. Belmont.

This website was last modified on
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

​© 2011-2025, Teri F. Belmont, Ph.D., PLLC.   All rights reserved. 

Referral sources (including clinics, agencies, attorneys, case managers, and claims adjustors) should contact my office with any questions, including those regarding fees or scheduling.  I will ask you to provide information about your case and the service(s) you would like me to perform.  I will then provide current copies of my  curriculum vitae (CV)  and applicable fee schedule, and any other case-relevant documentation you require.

Please contact me at
 drteribelmont@live.com to report any broken links or other difficulties with this website.

Teri F. Belmont, Ph.D., PLLC

Licensed Psychologist, Nevada (PY0551)

​Licensed Psychologist, Iowa (112562)

Licensed Psychologist - Doctoral, Vermont (048.0135063)

2831 Saint Rose Parkway, Suite 200
Henderson, NV 89052

p   702.595.2731

e   drteribelmont@live.com

Contact Me